Rejecting Business-As-Usual in Colonizing-Settler Societies: Why is it so Hard for Indigenous People to Exercise Their Rights to Self-Determination?

Richard Howitt
教育部玉山學者、國立台灣師範大學地理學系講座教授 / Macquarie University 環境暨地理學系名譽教授
時間:10:30 - 12:00
10:00 - 10:30報到
10:30 - 10:35開幕致詞
10:35 - 11:35主題演講
11:35 - 12:00Q & A
Following the first United Nations Decade of Indigenous Peoples (1995-2004), there has been much discussion of Indigenous rights – but limited progress in securing, advancing and implementing those rights. Reflecting on extended engagement with Indigenous experience in Australia and Taiwan, I ask a fundamental question - Why is it so hard for Indigenous people to exercise their rights to self-determination? In both Taiwan and Australia, governments have ostensibly championed Indigenous rights to varying degrees – and with varying levels of political bi-partisanship amongst major political parties. Similarly, major societal institutions have joined movement for Indigenous recognition with restricted conviction and success. Dominant approaches to ‘business-as-usual’ in many domains of education, planning, law and economy reinforce still-colonizing patterns that assume nothing changes with such rhetorical flourishes and that previous patterns of disadvantage, disenfranchising, erasure and marginalisation can be pursued without being held accountable for their consequences for future generations of Indigenous peoples. Failure to understand Indigenous expectations of truth-telling and healing amplifies and continues colonial trauma in current and future generations and must be acknowledged. I conclude that rhetorical ‘recognition’ of ‘rights’ that are neither enacted nor championed by democratic and societal institutions and is contradicted by societal attitudes and actions lays foundations for futures in which truth, justice, environmental quality and culture are all threatened. Further, scholars and educators are obliged to respond directly to overturn such approaches to ‘business-as-usual’ in our research and education programs.
Richard Howitt教授是教育部玉山學者暨國立台灣師範大學地理學系講座教授,亦為澳洲麥考瑞大學環境與地理學系榮退教授。Howitt教授專精於人文地理與原住民地理研究,長期致力於原住民權利、自然資源開發,以及原住民社群與政府、企業間關係的探討; 他以參與式社會影響評估方法聞名,協助原住民族應對並挑戰體制性邊緣化,以及在原住民議題上的卓越貢獻,於2023年榮獲澳洲勳章。
- https://researchers.mq.edu.au/en/persons/richie-howitt
- https://www.geo.ntnu.edu.tw/index.php/faculty/